Waken the business that makes you feel alive

And freaking finally unlock boundless potential, seize your wealth & embody #TrueFreedomLifestyle

Waken the business that makes you feel alive

And freaking finally claim your wealth, invigorating wellbeing & delicious #TrueFreedomLifestyle

I see you...

You're a daring entrepreneur blazing your trail to freedom... and you're doing whatever it takes.

You're patiently growing your business brick by brick.. and it's paying off.

Yet something feels off. Your actions lack power.

You know you're meant for more. You've dived into personal growth and tried to harness the Law Of Attraction.

Still you're hungry for aligned action and aching to feel like the real you is showing up... but you can't quite pinpoint what's missing.

And you just know... if you did, you'd be light years ahead by now.

Growing a business that sets you free feels like dancing tango with unseen partners... when it doesn't come from within.


Grind everywhere

What's going on in this next photo? Tenerife, family, stunning mountain holiday house, wine cellar, sunshine... and a laptop! I hoped it was just a season but... it turned into dragging my business everywhere and calling it "location freedom."

Yet the grind isn't even the actual beast

~ You know their truth and not yours

~ You do it their way and can't find yours

~ You think think think... and don't feel

The conventional business, marketing and self-development doctrines turned you into Alice in Wonderland chasing external sources for guidance.

Don't think. It complicates things. Just feel, and if it feels like home, then follow its path.

~ r. m. drake


You're over ready

~ To be whatever the hell makes you feel good

~ To have whatever the hell you want

~ To live whatever kickass lifestyle you desire

Just unplug from the matrix

And plug in within. Coz you already know how to play, improvise and effortlessly flow... while claiming what's yours: wealth, wellbeind and true.freedom.lifestyle.

Remember who you are

Because here's the weirdest (and the most beautiful) thing

The ultimate business lever is BEING. It's liberation of your inner light. It's the quiet but mighty whispers guiding you... when you start flowing and let the doing unfold.

It's anti-strategy.

It's where the being shapes the doing.

It's where the doing is an effortless & joyful yet crazy powerful & fruitful play.

So... why linger in the draining grind and soul-sapping stagnation for even a moment longer?

My People

Edita has provided focus, clarity and confidence in a long-term marketing plan for my safari business – and I can’t thank her enough. My marketing is now simpler, clear and concise. This gives me clarity in my own mind on what I’m doing, and confidence for the client.


Mastermind Retreat Experience Designer

"It is fricking mind blowing…

As I said earlier, all roads in my business lead to this 🤩".


Corporate Leader Coach